Chest Loot: Royal Bow (38 Attack), Great Flameblade (Attack 34), Giant Ancient Core, Silver Rupee (100 rupees), Forest Dweller’s Sword, Ice Arrows x10.Location: Isle of Rabac, north of the Abandoned North Mine near Goron City.Other Loot: Ancient Screw x5, Ancient Spring, Guardian Sword (20 Attack).Chest Loot: Stone Smasher (42 Attack), Ruby, Ice Arrow x10, Small Key.

If you don’t see a written guide for a specific shrine, chances are we’ve covered it in video form or we’ll be getting to it over the next few days. If you want a complete walkthrough of a shrine, the written guide is the way to go, however most of our video guides offer the same information in a condensed form. In addition to our written guides for some of the more challenging Zelda: Breath of the Wild shrines, we also have video coverage of many of the shrines throughout the game. As this is an evolving article, if you don’t see the shrine you’re looking for, check back in a few days as we add new Zelda: Breath of the Wild shrines every day. This evolving article covers Zelda: Breath of the Wild shrines, including all shrine locations and how to get through each shrine. However, you need to find and complete all Breath of the Wild shrines if you want to get a certain very cool gear set.

Finding all The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild shrines can be a daunting task.