They were added in the Beta 1.4 update in 2011, along with other mobs such as sheep and spiders. We do try to give all the genuine links for every contents that are available here.Minecraft dogs, also known as wolves, have been a part of the game since its early days.

We will try to give you the working links as soon as we can, We are updating these Resource packs regularly and If you do find some broken, fake or any links that will have virus or deleted ones, Kindly let us know in the comment section. Please Inform us If you do find some broken links or content in the comments section below.

In that case we will need some assistance from the users in this regard. But sometimes some developers of the Original download links remove their links from the Third Party websites. We also do try to take very good care of the links that will be available here. We do Recommend you to Download and install OptiFine HD to enhance your gaming experience with Shaders. You can Enjoy playing this Resource Pack.After it then you will have to run Minecraft after placing the.You will have to go to Resource Pack Folder.